Super gym Author’s note: I don’t like the concept of the contest; that a woman would need to develop super strength to fend off the advance of another woman on her man. Because, if the man wants a strong woman, and she could become strong but only does so to retain him, would he want to remain associated with such a reluctant super woman? And, if he really is her man, he will stay with her regardless; if he is not her man, gaining strength won’t change that. Thus, this story is presented as an alternative. Jim woke up that morning just like any other. He looked over at his beautiful wife Kim, her massive breasts gently rising and falling with her breathing, her arms on top of the blanket so huge even though she was relaxed. He began gently licking and kissing her nipples and was soon rewarded as they quickly became erect and her milk flow started, slowly at first and then turning into a torrent. Her pussy soon followed suit. “Good morning,” she said as she opened her eyes. “God that feels good,” as she reached for his erect cock. ******************************************************************** After breakfast, they walked from their upstairs apartment down to the ground floor and into their gym. The gym had been a dream of his since high school, and winning the lottery had given him the money to make it a reality. No one had given it any chance to succeed, but amazingly it was actually making money. Jim unlocked the front door and prepared to welcome the members. He mused as he considered that the lock couldn’t stop any of the members, but at least it could stop vandals. Kristy soon entered. Jim greeted her as he surveyed a body that would stop anyone in their tracks. In addition to being gorgeous, she was immense. Not tall, only average; but that was the only thing average about her! Arms bigger than most guy’s legs, thighs bigger than most guy’s waists, shoulders wider than she was tall! “Good morning!” she called out as she smiled at him. “Good morning,” he replied. “Kim is already in the gym.” He looked in on the two after a bit. Both were hard at it, lifting weights. But these were not ordinary weights; each consisted of heavy steel bars connected to hydraulic pistons. This was his idea; to use hydraulics to create forces far above what could be obtained with mere weight plates, tons of forces. He looked at the indicators at each lady’s station: Kim was benching 250 tons, while Kristy was leg pressing 2500 tons. 2500 tons? God, she was even stronger than she looked! And she was doing reps! Fascinated, he continued to watch. Kristy was starting to show effort now; her massive chest heaving with each breath, sweat starting to pour off her. Her legs were beyond massive, each sinew bulging obscenely. Kim almost looked small in comparison. Kim, small?! How could that be? He had first met her when he was in high school. Even then, she was by far the most muscular person he had ever seen. And the strongest, as she had shown him by effortlessly lifting his car overhead with just one hand. She was the reason he had built the gym, to give her a place where she could actually exert herself and become even bigger. But now Kristy had joined the gym. He couldn’t believe Kristy’s size when he had first met her. She had been amazed at the amount of equipment available and how heavy-duty everything was. She had squealed with delight when she first worked out on the equipment, finally having something that would test her limits. That was then. Now, Kristy had grown to truly enormous proportions, much bigger even than Kim. Kim had seemed to reach her limits; even though she continued to work out heavy, she wasn’t really getting much larger or harder. But Kristy! She had continued growing, and still was. Why, he might even need to strengthen the equipment, maybe jack up the hydraulic pressure, to continue to tax her! Kim had been his first love. He had never imagined that there could be anyone who could compare. But now Kristy was here! Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted. “I’m ready for my massage,” Kristy called out. “Certainly. I’ll be right there,” Jim replied. He offered massages to his clients as an extra benefit of gym membership. Plus, of course, it gave him the opportunity to feel some incredible female muscle. Jim entered the massage room. Kristy was already there, and already nude. He involuntarily gasped as she flexed for him. How could muscles be that big? He began the massage. She was so big, and so hard! Just as he was getting hard, too! His hands moved to her breasts. They didn’t look that large, but in this case, looks were deceiving. Her chest was so immense that even giant tits seemed small in comparison. And these were definitely giant tits; even with both hands, he couldn’t begin to cover one of them! Her nipples responded to his touch, becoming ever larger, much bigger than Kim’s. Soon, her milk began flowing. He eagerly drank, his hand moving down to her sopping wet pussy. She reached down and ripped off his shorts, and he entered her. God, she was so tight! ************************************************************ “So how was it?” Kim asked. “How do you think? She’s incredible!” Jim replied. Kim looked dejected. “Hey, what’s wrong?” “I’ve been working out harder than ever, and yet I still can’t even come close to her!” Kim sobbed. “Don’t worry about her. You’re the one I love, you’re the one I want to be with, not her!” “And you’re the one I want,” Kim replied as she took him in her arms and carried him to bed.